Bomba's Surf Side shack aka Bomba's Shack
(located in Capoons Bay)
Bomba Shack was built in 1976 by Bomba himself as a hangout spot for his friends and himself.
After over 30 years Bomba surf side shack has become one of the most famous hangouts and party spots in the Caribbean for tourists. Bomba's Shack has seen much success in the past such as E! Channel "Wild on the Caribbean" and the Back drop of "Sport Illustrated Swimsuit issue". The biggest parties at Bomba's Shack takes place on nights when the moon is full. This is know as Bomba's full moon parties. The Shack is decorated with past party articles such as ladies panties, bras and much more which ladies have claim that the Bombas's famous mushroom tea have made them do things that they wouldn't have normally done. Also beware of Bomba's rum punch and enjoy shopping late at night as vendors gather around the shack and across the street where barbecue and other foods are sold.
(click thumbnail to enlarge (photos of Bomba Surf Side Shack, Cappoons Bay Tortola BVI)